Sherd no | QO16-US006-01 |
Shape | Small jug (olpe) on ringfoot, ovoidal body with handle, oval in section, running from shoulder to outcurving rim, rounded lip. Almost complete. |
Ware | Depurated clay |
Fabric description | |
Colour | Exterior: pink (7.5YR 7/3) Interior: pink (7.5YR 7/3) Core: pink (7.5YR 7/3) |
Size | 10.0 (base to rim); 11.9 (base to top handle) x 3.6 (base); 6.9 (body); 3.6 (neck) x 0.3-0.4 |
Diameter rim | 4.9 |
Comments | Complete shape |
Type | TBD |
Date | TBD |

Sherd no | QO16-US006-02 |
Shape | Rim fragment of imbrex with frontal and lateral rim preserved |
Ware | Impasto |
Fabric description | Clay with much coarse quartz and augite, interior surface covered in mineral inclusions |
Colour | Exterior: reddish yellow (5YR 6/6) Interior: reddish yellow (5YR 6/6) Core: light reddish brown (2.5YR 6/4) |
Size | 10.1 x 12.7 x 2.0 |
Diameter rim | ! |
Comments | |
Type | TBD |
Date | TBD |

Sherd no | QO16-US006-03 |
Shape | Outcurving or outturning rim of jar |
Ware | Coarse ware |
Fabric description | Clay with fine quartz and augite |
Colour | Exterior: light red (2.5YR 6/8) Interior: light red (2.5YR 6/8) Core: pink (5YR 7/4) |
Size | 3.0 x 8.9 x 0.5 (wall); 0.7 (lip) |
Diameter rim | 12.0 |
Comments | Two fragments – glued |
Type | TBD |
Date | TBD |